About The Project

“…the birthplace of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in Chhindwara, that house has been acquired by the Trust and it will become the permanent shrine for Sahaja Yogis all over the world. That shrine will be renovated in order to ensure its permanence. And the Trust proposes to have another building where visiting Sahaja Yogis both from India and from foreign countries could go to stay, when they go to pay their homage to that shrine. And the land is proposed to be acquired soon, where a building will be constructed, so that any of you or any other from any parts of India or the world can go there.  It will now become really one of the most holy places or perhaps the most holy place for all Sahaja Yogis of the world.”

Sir C.P. Srivastava (on the eve of the Navaratri Puja, Gurgaon, India, 15.10.2005)